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Fishing Tips 3   1   2     
 Prepare your tackle 
Barbless hooks  
Improved rod grip
 Prepare 3 flies leader
 Prepare a sinking tip 
Painted eyes on streamers 
 Remove the memory from your  flyline
 Back to tips
 What trout eats
Dubbing Bloc
  Dry flies fishing
    What trout eats?   Stomach content from a few fish, which help explain why flyfishing is so efficient : aquatic insects, larva, nymphs, leeches, fallings terrestrials are all part of the trout food. 
The trout is opportunistic and grab what is on or in the water.

On the right a close up picture of a nice ant

     Left,  dipterae, midges and gnat together with  nymphs  and a leech , the hook is a  n° 14  3X.

     Right, a sialis nymph and the head and thorax of a dragonfly nymph. Size 12 hook.
     Left, 2  damselflies nymph and a small coleopter.(beetle)

     Right,  chironomidae larvae, the hook is size n°18, The trout was full of these larvae, but changed for an "Hare's ear" on a size 14 hook!

    Left, more chiromidae of different colors.

    Right : A large leech and a midge 
    Left, beetles and a large ant 

    Right, a caddis nymph, swallowed with its protective case.
 In a mountain lake on a windy day, the trout, caught on a size 10  beadhead brown woolybugger, had  5 or 6 of these big beetles 
( more than 1cm in length) in the stomach.



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